Wednesday, October 30, 2019

An exploration into the perspectives of working mothers on their young Dissertation

An exploration into the perspectives of working mothers on their young children's social life - Dissertation Example Working mothers face the dual challenging of providing economic support and taking care of the needs of their children. Due to this challenging situation, many working mothers tend to adopt various perspectives depending on their individual situation and priorities. One category that often gets neglected among necessities such as food and education is the influence of social life in the social development of young children. This study tries to explore and find out the various perspectives that working mothers have with regard to the social life of their young children. The study is based on qualitative interviews conducted for different individuals such as working mothers, non-working mothers, children and fathers. It was found that these different categories adopted different perspectives when it came to social life. Purpose and Aims The goal of this study is to understand the way in which being employed changes the perspective of working mother’s towards the social life and social development of their children. The aim is to focus on mothers with young children to explore if there are differences in perspectives between working and non-working mothers. Most researchers who have explored the topic of employed women and effects on children have focussed mostly on the challenges and work life balance. In addition, the research had focus on overall development, but not on social development exclusively. The impact of social development because of the mothers being employed is a topic that has not been explored fully. This research aims to fill up the gap to provide more insights and understanding of the subject. Social life among young children often takes a backseat because a huge amount of the working mother’s time is taken away in catering to the basic necessities such as good food, high quality education and co-curricular activities. As social development is essential in young children, it is important to understand if the involvement of the mot her in social activities proves to be an influence in the way their social life shapes up. In the modern day society, the social development of an individual is as important as any other aspects of development. The way in which any human being behaves in a social set up gets majorly influenced by the social life they encounter during the period when they were young. In such a situation, the perspectives that the mothers have regarding the social life of their young children become important. The concepts of social developed and the influence of mother in this developmental aspect is looked at in a detailed manner in this research. In this research, the category of working mothers refers to mothers who are working full time in an organization and hence, who spend the major part of the day outside the house and away from the children. The category of young children is narrowed down to children who are between the ages of 7 – 14. The research aims to identify the different persp ectives as well as the reasons as to which the working mothers have adopted various perspectives. New mothers who are concerned about the social development of their children can benefit from this research. In addition, child psychologists and counsellors also can understand the various perspectives and the influence that each of these perspectives have on the social life of the children. The specific research questions are to find out the

Monday, October 28, 2019

The Assessment Process Essay Example for Free

The Assessment Process Essay Introduction Assessment is the process of judging a learner’s skills and knowledge within the work place or training environment, set against the National Occupational Standards. (NOS) These standards reflect best practice in the particular industry. Learners will be assessed as either competent or not yet competent and their evidence will be judged as sufficient or insufficient for them to have reached these standards. see more:identify ways of supporting an individual to make informed choices The assessor will work closely with the learner and work towards a National Vocational Qualification (NVQ) Note NVQs in the UK are now progressively being replaced with the Qualifications and Credit Framework (QCF) NVQ’s are typically arranged in levels which are structured into units each unit carries a number of credits, they are competency based i. e. they require the demonstration of abilities to perform a standard of job, both in skills and an understanding of what the learner does and why. Learners can undertake an NVQ at any time, they will be required to attend an initial induction session within which the learner will choose units to work on. Each unit covers a general area of work and carries a certain number of credits and outcomes. Learners are required to complete a number of mandatory units and then optional units are chosen to achieve the required number of credits. Learners will have regular meetings in the workplace, with their assessor to discuss evidence criteria, progress and set targets. The Assessment Process The assessment process can be broken down into the following sections :- 1 Recruitment, induction initial assessment Once the learner is recruited and inducted into the programme an Initial assessment is carried out. This involves the identification and collection of a wide range of information to enable the assessor to develop an effective, efficient, personalised and positive training programme for the learner. The assessor’s role is to aid the learner to gain an overview of the qualifications he or she hopes to gain and to plan their route to achieving it involving selecting the right units, in the right order and identifying any extra support they might need. Information collected during the initial assessment includes:- * Social/ethnic background. * Learning difficulties, disabilities and health or personal difficulties. * Previous abilities, experience, education, qualifications and achievements (RPL) * Learner strengths. * Areas for development – weaknesses. * Current job role. * Learners short and long term ambitions, goals, needs and expectations. * Time resources. * Available facilities and support. It is the assessor’s responsibility to determine the learner’s attitude and commitment and to ensure that he/she is fully involved in the process. Failure to carry out a thorough initial assessment can result in guiding the learner to unsuitable options, the training taking too long and wasting time, effort and resources, leading to frustrated learners and resulting in a high rate of â€Å"drop outs†. 2 – Planning Before the assessment of a learner begins, it is important to make a plan of how the assessor will carry out the assessment. The overall aim is to plan for the types of evidence needed to inform the assessor’s decisions. A holistic approach is important here i. e. the assessment process needs to be planned around what the learner is doing, then linking these activities to the occupational standards, not the other way round Important for learners in the working environment. Valuable steps for the assessor during planning are to :- 1. Ensure an overview of all the relevant units within the learners chosen path, taking into account the results of the initial assessment. 2. Have all necessary documents concerning the learners existing achievements to hand 3. Gauge the level at which the learner is currently working. 4. List day to day activities, responsibilities and functions and link units to these key activities It is vital that the learner is involved at every step of the process, and crucial that all details are agreed by him/her especially the learning goals and time scales. Assessment plans The results of the planning stage should be recorded by the assessor on a document called The Assessment Plan. Each assessment plan should record :- * Who is being assessed, where and when. * What activity is being assessed, and the units for which the evidence will be provided * What assessment methods will be used, how they will be recorded and where the evidence will be stored after the assessment. * When and how feedback will be given. * Who else needs to be informed of, or involved in the assessment. * What the arrangements are for reviewing progress and updating arrangements for assessment. * Anything the learner needs to bring on the day of assessment. 3 – The fundamental responsibilities of the assessor Good assessment practice relies greatly on an honest and trustworthy relationship between the assessor and the learner, vital for successful and credible results. Credibility in assessment is guaranteed by ensuring that all assessment practices and procedures are governed by the following set of principles :- Fairness, transparency objectivity. The assessor must :- * Give the learner the best opportunity to demonstrate their learning and knowledge and the assessment process must not hinder or advantage the learner in any way. * Consider the needs and characteristics of the learner. * Provide transparency i. e. communicate clearly with the learner to ensure he/she is fully informed about, understands and is able to participate in the process. * Inform of appeal opportunities and procedures. * Not discriminate on sex, race or disability (the equality act 2010) Validity. Validity is a measure of the accuracy of an assessment or is the assessment actually doing what it is supposed to be doing? Each assessment should be designed to allow learners to produce the evidence to show that they have the required knowledge, understanding and skills for the qualification they are aiming for. An assessment is valid when it :- * Is appropriate for the purpose, e. g. a practical assessment should be used to assess practical skills, a written assessment that asks learners to write about a skill rather than demonstrate it would have low validity. * Allows learners to produce sufficient evidence of the knowledge, understanding and skills that are required to satisfy standards of the qualification. * Allows assessors to make reliable assessment decisions for all learners. Reliability Reliability is a measure of the degree of consistency with which a learners responses to an assessment are judged. To be reliable, assessment decisions on learners performance must be consistent across all assessors for all candidates undertaking the same assessment task. In any assessment system, procedures have to be put in place to ensure this. Assessment decisions are reliable when :- * They are generated by valid assessments which are produced under conditions of assessment that are consistently applied. * They are consistent across the range of assessors applying the assessment in different situations, contexts and with different learners. * They are taken on the basis of clearly-defined standards of performance. * The authenticated work of the learner is being assessed. * They are consistent over time. The relationship between validity and reliability Validity and reliability are interdependent. An assessment that produces inconsistent results cannot provide valid information about a learner’s achievement. On the other hand, highly consistent results do not necessarily indicate high validity, since the test may be inappropriate for the competence being assessed. For example, the results of a maths test involving routine calculations may have a high degree of validity for indicating arithmetical skills but a low degree of validity for indicating problem-solving abilities. High validity and high reliability are more likely to be achieved when assessors :- * Measure learners against outcomes of learning which have clearly defined performance levels. * Use assessment instruments that are appropriate to the outcomes. * Minimise subjectivity. 4 Learning and development The learner undergoes training and development over time and :- * Acquires skills and knowledge. * Practises and applies what they have learned. * Starts to perform to the standards. * Consistently performs to the standards under a variety of conditions at work. Assessment for learning takes place at regular intervals to see how the learner is progressing. Learners are given feedback on their performance, targets are adjusted and further training and development are arranged as necessary. Formative Assessment Formative assessment is an informal process used by assessors and learners to recognise and respond to student learning in order to enhance that learning during the learning. It is a method of assessing for learning as opposed to assessment of learning (summative assessment) It takes place during the assessment, is an integral part of the learning process and involves the assessor indentifying the learner’s present standard of abilities and work. It provides feedback which supplies suggestions on how the learner can develop and helps the assessor to modify the learning process to suit the learner on an ongoing basis. Advantages :- * Provides the learner with a â€Å"safe place† allowing him/her to make mistakes and learn from them as opposed to the penalties of summative assessment. * Guides assessor into making decisions about future instruction enabling them to keep track of progress and adapt training to the needs of learners. * Improves learner motivation and achievement. * Engages the learner in self assessment. * Facilitates continuous improvement for both learner and assessor. Summative assessment Summative assessment focuses on learning completed, happens after a learning period and comes in a form of formal testing of what has been learned to produce marks or grades. Advantages:- * It acts as a formal measurement and evaluation of a learner’s growth and achievement after instruction. * Enables learners to enhance their achievements. * Provides rigorous, reliable and valid verification of a learner’s performance. * Develops learners as active participants in their own assessment, enabling them to develop as independent learners and effective professionals. 5 – Assessment methods There are many assessment methods available to the assessor. It is important to choose methods which are fair, valid and most effectively assess the objectives of the unit. See table below which lists the key methods and their application METHOD| DESCRIPTION| APPLICATION| Observation| Watching learners perform in the workplace or simulated environment | To see learners demonstrate their practical skills as they do their job activities. Most standards specify observation as a mandatory method| Examining or evaluating work products| The outcomes or products of a learners work activity or task| In conjunction with observation,questioning or professional discussion – must be the result of real work| Questioning| Using a range of questioning techniques either spoken or written| To find out whether the learner has learned necessary knowledge| Discussion| A conversation in which learners describe and reflect on their performance and knowledge in relation to the requirements of the standards| To test the validity and reliability of a learners evidence. Can often be used to cover a range of work activities and units. An affective way to test deep rather than superficial learning| Evidence from others (witness testimony)| Another person’s account of what the learner has done, usually to confirm existing knowledge from assessors own observation| To support an observation and to confirm consistent performance over time. May be used in conjunction with RPL to verify a learners claim to existing knowledge and skills| Learner statements| The learners account of what they have been doing in relation to the standards to be achieved| To support consistent performance over time. Or for evidence of reflection on, and improvements in, performance | Projects, assignments and case studies| Assessing the outcomes of case studies, projects and assignments that the learner has undertaken as part of their vocational learning against specified criteria| In conjunction with questioning or discussion (although projects and assignments set as part of the learning process provide no evidence of competence)| Simulation| Using a replica of the work environment to assess competence. When it is impossible or unsafe for the learner to perform in a real-life work environment| Skills tests| Formal testing of skills under test conditions| When it forms part of the requirements for independent assessment in certain qualifications. Usually where the learners need to acquire a range of technical skills before they can perform them in the work environment, or safety related knowledge and skill requirements. | Recognition of prior learning| Assessment of a learners existing level of knowledge and skill in relation to the standards| To match prior learning to units in a qualification so the leaner doesn’t have to repeat what they have already learned. Without detailed assessment it can be difficult to judge whether prior claims constitute valid, authentic and current evidence. | 6 – Evidence All the different methods of assessment have one thing in common the collection of evidence. Evidence can be defined as The proof produced by a learner that shows that he/she complies with the requirements of the criteria of the standards they wish to gain credits for. Evidence can come from a variety of sources, it is the responsibility of the assessor to ensure that the evidence collected is valid i. e. is authentic, sufficient and current before he/she can make an accurate judgement of the learners competence. Authenticity of evidence * Can the evidence be attributed to the learner? * Is the evidence the learners own work? The assessor has to verify that the evidence is the learners own work therefore the learner must be able to explain and substantiate the evidence produced. Sufficiency of evidence * Is there enough evidence to meet all criteria needed to judge the learner as competent? * Is the assessor confident that the learner has the relevant level of knowledge and skills and that performance can be repeated? Rather than focussing on quantity of evidence the assessor needs to ensure that assessment decisions are based on quality of evidence that demonstrates the learner is competent. To be sufficient evidence must show that :- * The learner has attained all of the relevant skills and knowledge outlined in the standards. * The learner has shown competence over a period of time. * The learner is confident to repeatedly demonstrate skills and knowledge. Currency of evidence * Is the evidence related to current competence? The assessor needs to judge the evidence as up to date with the latest developments and environmental factors such as legislation and must assure that it is the most recent available, especially important when assessing prior learning.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Culture of India :: Ancient World Culture

It is not surprising that thinkers as diverse as Ralph Waldo Emerson and Mahatma Gandhi have found inspiration in The Bhagavad Gita, the great HINDU religious poem. At first glance, this statement must seem odd to you: after all, The Bhagavad Gita describes a momentary surcease in a vast battle in which brothers fight brothers in bloody, historical technicolor. The principal character, Arjuna, sits in a chariot in the midst of the mass of soldiers who wait -- surprisingly patiently -- as Arjuna looks into his conscience and questions his divine charioteer, Krishna. Krishna's temporary job as charioteer is by no means accidental: this moment before the heat and horror of battle was chosen as precisely the right time to reflect on the nature of duty and devotion. The Bhagavad Gita, then, becomes a record of Arjuna's questions and Krishna's provocative responses. You might ask: What does this single work, a strangely didactic addition to the epic Mahabharata, "say" about ANCIENT INDIA? What does this work "say" about modern India? Can a reading of The Bhagavad Gita help us today to "recreate" life in Indian societies some 25 centuries ago? Can a reading of The Bhagavad Gita "disclose" elements of Indian life? It is doubtful that Emerson read The Bhagavad Gita as a guide to the world of the Hindoos (as he would have spelled it). It is doubtful that he felt he "knew" India as a result of his reading, much as people (foolishly?) feel they know a country by reading a travel and tourism guide to that nation. Instead, Emerson responded to the great concepts and questions that The Bhagavad Gita explores: the notion that an individual human life is but part of a greater reality of which humans, likewise, are a part; the notion of the transitory nature of suffering and pain (not to mention pleasure); the valorizing of the spiritual, not the material, part of human nature.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Electrolytes :: science

Electrolytes Electrolytes are liquids that conduct electricity. Most need to be dissolved into water or another solvent. Battery ¡Ã‚ ¦s have an electrolyte in them, either as a liquid or as a paste. Liquid electrolytes are used in electrolysis, electroplating, and other chemical processes. When electrolytes dissolve they release positive and negative ions. The released ions carry electric charges between electrodes, in the solution. Cations (a positively charged ion that migrates to the cathode, a negative electrode) carry positive electric charges toward the cathode. Anions carry negative electric charges toward the anode, positive electrode. Strong electrolytes release many ions and conduct electricity well. Weak electrolytes, like acetic acid, don ¡Ã‚ ¦t release many ions and conduct poorly. Non electrolytes, like sugar, release no ions and form non conducting solutions. A couple electrolytes conduct electricity as solids. These solid electrolytes have ions that can move and carry charges without solvents. There are two ways to be able to have ions that are able to conduct electricity, the dissociation of Ionic Compounds, and the Ionization of Polar Covalent Molecular Substances. The Dissociation of Ionic Compounds is where particles are ionically (electrically) bonded together. They already made out of cations and anions, but in their solid state the ions are locked into position in their crystal structure, and can ¡Ã‚ ¦t move around. When the ionic compound is dissolved into water the water molecules, which are polar,(having a positive and a negative end) will be attracted to the positive ions. This attraction of different charges will create tension in the crystal and it will overcome the attice (the arrangement of molecules in a crystalline solid) energy keeping the crystal in place. Once this happens the cations will be surrounded by water molecules, and so will the anions. This is called the solution process. This makes a lower order of organization of the ions. The ions are now in a simpler form so they have higher mobility, and can carry electrical particles to conduct electricity. Salts that are completely dissolvable in water are usually strong electrolytes. The salts that are barely dissolvable are weak. The strength of an electrolyte is measured by its ability to conduct electricity. There ¡Ã‚ ¦s also the way of Ionization of Polar Covalent Molecular Substances. Polar molecular substances are substances whose atoms are co-valently bonded. Each molecule has a net molecular dipole moment (the product of the distance between two poles of a dipole and the magnitude or either pole) that is made because of the dipole moments of the bonds do not cancel each other out.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

A Different Kind of Leadership

When The Economist magazine recently asked 180 leaders what the major influence on future organizations would be, two-thirds of them said it would be teams and groups. Clearly, the John Wayne model of leadership won't work. What is needed today is a different kind of leadership. People who think they can do it by themselves are somewhat deluded. Despite these kinds of statements the cult figure of the Chief Executive Officer still exists. They are enshrined, and probably celebrated too much. This is partly an American phenomenon. However throughout Europe there are beginning to be reactions against these icons for companies and these are ominous signs for the future of figureheads. Groups, teams, communities, partnerships, stakeholders, colleagues, collaborators signal the end of the â€Å"Great Man,† the death of the John Wayne myth. As the business world becomes more complex and interdependent, executives cannot afford to lead in isolation. Instead, they must tap into the collective knowledge and expertise of their colleagues by creating real teamwork at top levels of the organization. They need to build truly effective leadership teams. Successful management in today's society are forever trying to seek out the most competent individuals to employ in specific roles within a business environment. The criteria on which an individual is selected are widely recognised as the common attributes of a leader. These qualities would include; intelligence, forcefulness, sensitivity, patience, decisiveness, the person would be reflective and dynamic, a good communicator as well as being a good listener. The list of desirable traits continues to describe the perfect leader-manager who would be effective and most probably flawless. In reality this person could not exist, simply because many of the characteristics seem to conflict with one another. It is unlikely that someone could be both forceful and particularly sensitive. The inability of a single individual to possess all the skills that are sought after, presents the opportunity for the development of a team that certainly could. Teams also have the advantage that if a single member of a team is unavailable, then the productivity of the team may not be impacted significantly, whereas if a single person had full responsibility for a task and then was taken ill for example, any progress due to be made on the task would be halted. Another problem with focussing on training individuals to a high level and therefore becoming somewhat reliant on that person is that, if that person decided to leave to take a position with a competitor or to take early retirement to spend time with their spouse then the business is left trying to adjust for the loss. By focussing on teams the business is somewhat less exposed to these potential problems. However the development of teams to provide protection against competitors ‘poaching' personnel, has become less effective, especially in the service industries. An example of this kind of activity occurring was seen in November 1999 when a team of Merrill Lynch & Co. telecom analysts defected to Credit Suisse First Boston (CSFB). This forced Merrill to reshuffle its depleted research effort just as the firm's telecom bankers were positioning to land the mandate on what could be the biggest initial public offering in history. The highly regarded telecom analysts Dan Reingold and Mark Kastan left Merrill for CSFB on 22nd November, taking with them a group of five other analysts – almost Merrill's entire U. S. telecom research team. With such an emphasis on the formulation of effective self-managed teams, the question of whether leadership is actually required arises. It has been suggested that to organize genius and to have a great group, the fine art of herding cats must learnt. This analogy is used to demonstrate the difficult skill of persuading members within a team to carry out tasks they may not particularly want to, and feel good about doing it. This ‘soft skill† is very important if a group is to have a member in a leading capacity. Some leaders have managed to succeed without having great people skills. Examples include Steve Jobs at Macintosh Computers, Walt Disney, Kelly Johnson at Lockheed's Skunk Works, and John Andrew Rice at Black Mountain College. In fact they have been described as having herded their cats with whips; and yet still produced phenomenal results. Leaders typically provide direction and meaning that resonate in the heart, soul and mind. But many leaders of great groups are abrasive, if not downright arrogant. Another analogy used to describe these people is that they are all alchemists. They are creating something out of nothing. They are creating something magical. They are creating an object of enchantment. An explanation given for why these team leaders were obnoxious at times was that when believing that they were involved in a group that would change the world, they could be afforded the opportunity of being a â€Å"son-of-a-bitch† for a time. If a group can be created that thinks they can â€Å"make a dent in the universe,† as Steve Jobs told the team that created the Macintosh computer, one's personal foibles, losing one's temper, one's style become less important. If the team feels transported, and part of the excitement, the thrill and the electrifying feeling of doing something that nobody has ever done before, arrogance on behalf of the leader can be excused. Undoubtedly this aggressive style of team leadership producing outstanding results is the exception to most group situations. The charismatic nature of the people involved probably had more to do with the eventual result rather than the manner in which they lead. Charisma is intangible, difficult to assess, and cannot be taught, yet can override all learnt skills of good team leading. However there have been studies that suggest that the personality of the leader may adversely affect the team†s performance. Mary Fontaine, head of the Hay/McBer's competency practice, a U. S. management consulting group, carried out a study that found that team leaders with a variety of managerial styles-authoritative, affiliative, democratic and coaching can be successful as long as they encourage dialogues. However team leaders with a coercive managerial style were found to be far less successful at promoting dialogues. In contrast to the success of the individuals and their organisations mentioned earlier it was found that it wasn't the best and the brightest who excelled. â€Å"Sucking the oxygen out of the room with excessive charisma or with an intimidating intellect and self-confidence was often detrimental to team efforts,† Fontaine says. â€Å"The truly outstanding leaders frequently were those whose contributions were less visible, who worked behind the scenes to create structures and arrange for organizational supports that made it easier for their teams to excel. There seems to be a threshold level of team skills required to be a competent leader, and above this level charisma can either make an average leader-manager into someone special or more likely hinder the groups performance. The ideal that leaders are not born, but make themselves supports this theory. A person may develop to be charismatic, however in order to grow as a leader they must learn the necessary people or ‘soft† skills. These are the hardest skills to learn. They are the things that will make the biggest difference in organizations. Bob Haas, CEO of Levi Strauss, has said the hard skills are not getting the pants out the door. The hard skills are creating the work force that will be motivated to be productive. So, the soft skills are the hardest skills. It seems that there is still a place for leaders within teams, but not in the traditional sense. Leaders are purveyors of hope who suspend disbelief in their groups. They represent the group†s needs and aspirations. They don't know that a task cannot be achieved. Most individuals are hungry spirits, and any leader who can dangle a dream before them usually gets their attention and the collective talents within a team make that dream a reality. Today the one thing that the majority of professional people want is to be inspired. For many years the qualities of individuals have been studied, and the successful characteristics copied. However the successful features of a management team are less well understood. A team has proved more difficult to study than a single person. However there has been recognition of some of the main elements of what makes one team more successful than another. A number of studies have been carried out to try to depict the foundations of teamwork and the complimentary relationships between members. The format of the team and the relationships within seem indicative to whether the team is successful. It is not necessarily the ability of individuals within the team. Given a free choice of members and the need to form a high-powered management team to solve complex problems, it would seem sensible to select members who have sharp analytical minds. This would suggest creating a team composed entirely of intellectually clever people. These types of people would be equipped for coping with major projects and big decisions. Creating a ‘Think-Tank' would initially appear to be the best solution for high profile managerial teams. However, studies carried out by Belbin concluded that the grouping of highly intellectual and similarly analytically minded people within a team in general does not produce the expected high performance. Belbin championed the result as â€Å"Apollo Syndrome†, named after the team consisting of the intellectually clever people that carried out the executive management exercises he designed. The analysis of these highly intellectual ‘Apollo' teams illustrated some of the flaws within the group interaction. A large proportion of each individual's time was engaged in trying to persuade the other members of the team to adopt their own particular, well stated, point of view. No one seemed to convert another or be converted themselves. This was largely due to the ability to spot weak points in each other's argument. There was, not surprisingly, no coherence in the decisions that the team reached – or was forced to reach. Subsequent to the eventual failure of the team, finishing last in the exercise, the aftermath was marked by mutual recrimination. If having a team consisting of homogeneous people with respect to members' demographics, cognitions and high intellect does not create a successful group, then the obvious alternative would be to create groups of heterogeneous individuals. Scholars have carried out studies to investigate the various types of diversity within a group. Diversity differentiates individuals by the degree to which they are directly related to the task at hand. Job relatedness is one form of diversity and is an important property because it determines whether a particular type of diversity constitutes an increase in a group's total pool of task-related skills, information, and perspectives. The magnitude of this pool, in turn, represents a potential for more comprehensive or creative decision making. This concept has been studied by Milliken and Martins. The idea of having a diverse team to provide a wide spectrum of views has been used as a starting point to formulate teams. However, teams do not just happen when people get together. At the start, a team is just a collection of individuals. And, like most collections, it is only as strong as its weakest member. The optimum number of individuals within a team is a major issue for discussion when creating a team. This figure would to some extent depend on the amount of work that needs to be performed. In general the larger the group, the greater the unseen pressures that make for conformity. These pressures may impinge upon an individual to the extent that in mass meetings, congregations and assemblies they feel anonymous. Behaviour within the group is further complicated by group structure. The stronger the structure, the less tolerance there is for dissenters or for any form of deviant expression. Where groups are unstructured, for example large numbers of people meeting for a purpose but without any imposed constraints, studies have shown that rather than the individual recovering a sense of mature individuality, they are likely to revel in the anonymity which size offers. Investigations have discovered that large gatherings of people has the effect of either their constituents becoming excessively passive or, if full self-expression is permitted, inclined to irresponsible behaviour, aggressive verbal declarations, or even acts of destruction. In a team building situation this type of behaviour would clearly not promote the synergy and effectiveness that is sought after.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Tattoo Removal - How to Remove Tattoos

Tattoo Removal - How to Remove Tattoos Tattoos are meant to be permanent, so as you might imagine, they arent that easy to remove. Generally speaking, tattoo removal involves destruction or decolorization of the tattoo ink or else removal of the skin that contains the tattoo. A surgeon usually performs one of the following procedures on an out-patient basis: Laser Surgery This is the most common procedure because it is bloodless and produces few side effects. Laser light is used to break up or decolorize the pigment molecules. The color of the laser light depends, to some extent, on the color of the tattoo. Multiple treatments may be required. Effectiveness depends on several factors, including the chemical nature of the tattoo ink. Dermabrasion The doctor abrades or sands away the top layers of the skin to expose the tattoo and remove the ink. Some discoloration or scarring may result. Incomplete tattoo removal may result if the tattoos were inked deeply into the skin. Surgical Excision The doctor essentially cuts out the portion of tattooed skin and stitches the skin back together. This treatment is appropriate for small tattoos. A raised scar may result at the site of the stitches. Tattoo Ink Recipes | Tattoo Ink Chemistry

Monday, October 21, 2019

Nursing Essay Writing How the Paper Differs from Other Types

Nursing Essay Writing How the Paper Differs from Other Types Among a variety of occupations, the nursing profession is among the most demanding ones. The essential goal of the job is to maintain a healthy level of life and provide the population with a decent level of medical care. The studies of a nurse compose of numerous activities, and writing an essay is only a single type of assignment that is fulfilled by young practicing nurses. A professional medical nurse should be capable of boasting with extensive writing skills that are required for everyday medical practice. The description of the health status of the patients and clinical observance of the disease history require decent skills of writing in order to provide a detailed analysis of the medical case. What is Professional Nursing Essay Writing? Good quality essay writing proves the dedication of a medical student to the case. It forms the required level of professionalism in both social and educational fields. Writing is obviously an essential part of the medical work, so it is an integral skill that is necessary for every representative of the profession including both nurses and high-class practitioners. A fundamental difference of nursing writing against all other academic writing fields is the importance of material due to a great impact on the life of a potential patient. The nurse that will work on the assignment needs to put into operation all the practical skills, supporting them with the evidential base. Most of the writing is expressed through the observations of the student so that is why this activity is among the most essential skills for medical nursing students. The essay writing on nursing topics prepares the students for the following future responsibilities: Nursing resumes with the description of personal skills. Creation of health history. Taking nursing notes regarding the health state of the patient. Creating the nursing care plan and medical report. Researching the disease case. Reviewing medical articles with the following critical analysis. Organization of comparative charts regarding some particular situation. Personal Qualities the Nursing Essay Reveals The work of a nurse requires a portion of decent skills. The process of academic writing can be considered a preliminary stage of formation of the habits and abilities which are necessary for the foundation of a personality of a medical worker. It teaches attentiveness. The writing involves numerous aspects, and a student is supposed to maintain a decent level of attentiveness in order to work simultaneously on various aspects of the research object. It develops self-organization. The amount of the types of essay assignments differs greatly starting with simple explanatory texts and finishing with some serious nursing presentation topics to teach the student the self-control. It increases the adaptability level. The written tasks are composed of numerous sub assignments from various medical aspects, so it is required to shift from one field of medicine to another using all the knowledge in possession. It contributes to the growth of quick-thinking. There are multiple tricky tasks that develop powerful situational thinking. It increases the level of hard working. Medical students obtain a lot of tasks, and professors demand all the tasks to be fulfilled on time. That increases the hard-working level a lot. Specifications for Nursing Essay Writing Demands The nursing writing has several points to which the writer should pay a portion of attention. All the points are connected with the academic formatting of the document and form a contextual unity which solves the assignment. Content. The essay’s content is dictated by the questions that are posed in the task. The content should correspond all the assignments posed in the task. Structure. The structure of the text should be logically organized so that the readers could understand the order of the writer’s thought and receive the information in small portions. Such presentation of the ideas is more beneficial for apprehending the material. Balance is a specific feature of the nursing essay when information is analyzed from various points of view and such approach forms the credibility of the material that is under review. Argumentation. Every decent medical essay should be filled with strong arguments as they make the work look solid and reliable. It increases the work’s applicability and value among the essay of similar type. Theoretical basis. The fundament of every essay is the theoretical basis. The student should prepare strong evidence and interesting investigations which are supposed to describe the case in the brightest light. Applicability. Most of the nursing essays have a practical aim and the applicability is among the most vital features of nursing essays as it shows how important the conducted investigation is as well as what positive changes it can bring. Facts. Like any other paper, nursing writing assignment has to be interesting as well. Thus, make sure you have used catchy facts that will help you make the audience involved in the writing. Hopefully, the information above will add you some knowledge about the importance of professional nursing essay writing, and how students develop themselves while working on it. There are practical types of assignments which basic goals are to contribute to the development of health level in the world.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Sex Education in schools essays

Sex Education in schools essays The good news is that the teen pregnancy rate in the U.S. is the lowest its been since the early 70's, primarily due to teens increased and improved use of birth control. The bad news is that one million U.S. teens still get pregnant each year, and 78 percent of those pregnancies are unintended. The fact is that most young people in the United States begin having sex in their teens and they need honest and straightforward information about sex in order to protect themselves from unintended pregnancy. Obvious, right? Well apparently not to President Bush, who asked Congress for a 33% increase in funding for abstinence-only sex education, which would forbid teachers to talk about how contraception works or where to get it. Abstinence-only programs keep teens in the dark about sex; they have not been proven to delay or reduce sexual activity; and they fail to provide accurate information about preventing pregnancy and disease. Comprehensive sexuality education, on the other hand, teaches that sexuality is healthy, normal part of human being. It teaches students about the advantages of abstinence, while also giving them the realistic information they need about the prevention of unintended pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections. Studies show that balanced programs that promote both abstinence and safer sex are most effective and allow young people to make responsible choices. In California, teen birth rate has dropped more than 40 percent over the last decade. The credit goes to a state-sponsored program that provides information on sexual abstinence and birth control. Teen birth rate has fallen from 11th nationwide in 1991 to 21st in 2002, according to the California Wellness Foundation. California is the only state that refuses to accept federal sex-education money, which requires public schools to teach only sexual abstinence and avoid providing information on contraception ...

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Twitter Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Twitter - Essay Example Twitter emerged as a side project for a number of board members at the blogging and podcasting company Odeo. The original inventors included Jack Dorsey, Noah Glass, Evan Williams, and Biz Stone. The original name for the project was twttr. The first product utilization functioned within the Odeo Company, with the full version finishing development a number of months later ("The real history," 2011) . After the product was completed the original Twitter founders created Obvious Corporation and through investor funds purchased Odeo and all of its subsequent assets. In April 2007 Twitter spinoff from Odeo and became its own company. In terms of popularity the company gained perhaps its greatest boost at the Interactive portion of the South by Southwest festival; at this festival user-ship expanded from 20,000 to 60,000 (Picard, 2011). There were a number of early development elements that occurred throughout the product’s orientation. In large part the structural dimensions of the product have remained the same since its 2006 incarnation. Many of the early development elements occurred in terms of the company’s management and organizational structure. In 2007 co-founder Noah Glass was fired ("The real history," 2011). In 2008 Williams assumed company leadership in terms of becoming the chief executive officer and Jack Dorsey became chairman of the board. Williams would remain in this capacity until 2010 when Dick Costolo would assume the position. 2010 also witnessed a slight change in the company logo. Twitter has experimented with a number of modern development changes in the last two years. Perhaps most prominent among these is the inclusion of a trending sidebar that indicates the most popularly tweeted topics ("A visual history," 2011). Twitter has implemented this service as a means of advertising as specific companies are given the opportunity to have their subject of choice featured as a

Friday, October 18, 2019

Pros and Cons of Today's College Education Research Paper

Pros and Cons of Today's College Education - Research Paper Example Universities and colleges that are in the middle class are torn between these extremes. Universities in the top strata have become a preserve for the minority few who are affluent. Attending universities like Harvard has been left to the few who can afford to pay the exorbitant fees. The divisions arising in institutions of higher learning have come to be viewed as a show of might and class, as well as a means by which the American plutarchy duplicates itself. Donoghue (nd) notes that top strata universities’ one year tuition fee is more than the average income of American citizens. Universities in the middle and bottom classes are continually grappling with budget cuts as the government strives to sustain the budget in times of economic downturns. Budget cuttings have severe implications for public colleges and universities as universities have to raise their tuition fees, reduce spending or both, in a bid to cover the gap. Cuts on higher education funding by the government h ave resulted in increased tuition across public institutions of higher learning. The acute increases in tuition fees have hastened the continuous trends of reducing college affordability and transferring the costs to students. Leachman et al (2013) note that enrolling for a four year course in a public institution of higher learning has momentarily grown at a quicker pace than the increase in average earnings for the past 20 years, even after tax subsidies and government aid. Reducing spending in a bid to match the budget cuts usually results in ways that lower the quality of higher education. Some of the ways in which public colleges and universities cut spending are such as closing some campuses, doing away with some course offerings, reducing services like computer laboratories and library. For illustration, following the budget cuts on public institutions of higher learning, Arizona university strategy to cut spending included closing its eight extension campuses facilitating di stance learning, as well as cutting more that 2000 positions (Donologhue, nd). Public institutions of higher learning offer education to more that seventy five percent of the country’s undergraduates. Raising tuition fees and cutting spending have had negative impacts on the quality of education. Students are leaving school with huge public debt, yet find it hard to obtain a job. In addition, the top strata in United States system of higher education is resulting in half baked graduates, thus making employers spend more money in retraining graduates to match the job skills. This paper presents the shortcomings in the United States universities, opportunities for improvement, as well as recommendations on how to eliminate the shortcomings. Shortcomings Price sensitivity The earnings and incomes of majority of citizens have remained unchanged over the years, yet tuition fee increment rises at the same rate as inflation. This makes university education expensive and unaffordable to numerous households whose incomes remains stagnant while the cost of education keeps on rising. Demographic and economic pressures, as well as, heightened government inspection of higher education cost are resulting in slow tuition growth in many universities. Ongoing national government concessions results in further pressures on universities since a large number of students are dependent of government grants and loans, both of which are curtailed to a certain

Military History Paper Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Military History - Research Paper Example Army professional can draw from military history how areas such as casualty evacuation were managed during the Vietnam War as compared to the Civil war. Moreover, military history also enables army professionals to promote the continuity of this history by learning its value. These incentives reinforce why army professional should study military history. Introduction Winning a war requires a combination of factors, and military history is part these forces. Being in the army calls for a rich understanding of military history, which dates back to hundreds of years (Jessup, Robert, & Coakley, 2005). Today, there are few people who see the value of military history. Instead, many people believe that study of military history has no place in the current world, where war is modernized and fought using sophisticated arms. Needless to say, there are many incentives that military professional can gain through the study of military history. The United States has a collection of chronological records detailing the experiences of soldiers, war events and development of arms that add to the rich history of its military history. Overlooking these resources is not welcome, particularly when military professionals do not take time from their busy schedules to glean from these records. While many military professionals remain deployed in various hot spots, taking the time to study military history has the potential of increasing their success in war. Through the study of military history, army professionals can learn how to make appropriate decisions, manage situations in war, engage threats in war, and promote continuity of military history. Value of Military History Managing war The role of military history in teaching army professionals how to manage wars cannot be underestimated. Professional army personnel must be ready to understand how wars are managed in order to achieve defined objectives. The methodology to manage wars is an essential aspect of military history. This is because those studying military histories can see those gains made by other soldiers and reflect on them. Possibly, these army professionals can gain new insights on how war and surrounding situation can be managed to produce outcomes that align with desired objectives. For instance, there are many aspects of management that army professional can learn from history. During the Vietnam War, the United States army made significant gains by making one of the most lauded evacuation programs in military history. Military history books detail that the United States army used helicopters to conduct aeromedical evacuation that helped save the lives of many soldiers in the war. Army professionals taking military history can study this literature in depth and gain a thorough understanding of how these evacuations were possible. When studying this information, military professionals would appreciate that such services were available during the American Civil war where many solider died of their wounds (Britannica Educational Pub, 2010). Certainly, military professionals who study military history will understand the value casualty management and other facets of war. Decision making Studying military history has the potential of improving the ability of army professional to make correct decisions. Decision-making is an art that requires perfection over time. Nonetheless, reading military histo

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Legal Profession Personal Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Legal Profession - Personal Statement Example But people with a flair for the job, may not require it at all. "You are the final judge of your own psychological type" according to Isabel Briggs Myers-[website career]. A basic principle is that "humans are complex" [website]. Another principle worth remembering is that the MBTI "does not stereotype people" [website careerplanning .com-29-04-09]. These indicate that while training may be useful, it has no universal applicability. Stature: A lawyer's profession is one of the best in the world. A lawyer occupies a high position in society. We can see that a large percentage of the world's celebrities like Prime Ministers, Presidents, Ambassadors etc. had their start as lawyers. A degree in law is the qualification for the job. I will acquire it. A lawyer can set up an independent practice or take up a salaried job. The income will be high, running into 5 or 6 digits. Lawyers have plenty of openings in banks, business corporations, industrial units etc as legal officers. Banks, Business Corporations like the Nokia, and Airlines are three specific fields which hire lawyers. I had a personal interview with a 26 year old lawyer. He was smart and alert, brimming with confidence and fearlessness. Soon after his joining, he shot up into the limelight by winning a couple of sensational cases. Now he is very popular and people from far away come to engage him.

What is the Role of Ethnicity in Africa Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

What is the Role of Ethnicity in Africa - Essay Example 138). In a simple way, ethnicity refers to a group of people who share same ancestral background, language, lifestyles and culture. From the above definition, enmity among Hutu, Tutsi and Twa relates to the above definition. Ethnicity led to a political divide in Rwanda (Scott, 2007). By 1959, the Tutsis were keen to liberate Rwanda from colonial oppression. This however led to massive killings for the sake of finding this freedom. This liberation made Tutsis dominant thus the forming of the one party state, which was powerful enough to penetrate the whole Rwandan society. To ensure dominance, they came up with ideologies that were against education and the press. To define ethnic boundaries, they came up with a system that involves the use of identity cards to show where individuals belonged. Between 1958 and 1962, there was massive campaign against the Tutsis, which claimed close to 200,000 Hutus as revenge from the Tutsi. Due to the indirect rule, Rwandans came to define their identities due to the idea that a society that everyone must belong to an ethnic group. This led to political divide in that they believed power was a key item in ethnic identity. This evident when in 1990, there emerged real enmity between supporters of then the Rwandan President Juvenal Habyarimana who was a Hutu and the Rwandan Patriotic Front led by Paul Kagame who was a Tutsi. Due to this rivalry, Juvenal’s plane was shot while in the air and none of the people on board survived. This led to a blame game with the Tutsis being blamed for the assassination. The blame game left women and children at risk since they were the easiest to attack and kill in the name of revenge. Ethnicity played a key role in control of resources during and before genocide. Since independence, the Tutsis enjoyed the monopoly of being the only ones with the power to control the country’s natural

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Legal Profession Personal Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Legal Profession - Personal Statement Example But people with a flair for the job, may not require it at all. "You are the final judge of your own psychological type" according to Isabel Briggs Myers-[website career]. A basic principle is that "humans are complex" [website]. Another principle worth remembering is that the MBTI "does not stereotype people" [website careerplanning .com-29-04-09]. These indicate that while training may be useful, it has no universal applicability. Stature: A lawyer's profession is one of the best in the world. A lawyer occupies a high position in society. We can see that a large percentage of the world's celebrities like Prime Ministers, Presidents, Ambassadors etc. had their start as lawyers. A degree in law is the qualification for the job. I will acquire it. A lawyer can set up an independent practice or take up a salaried job. The income will be high, running into 5 or 6 digits. Lawyers have plenty of openings in banks, business corporations, industrial units etc as legal officers. Banks, Business Corporations like the Nokia, and Airlines are three specific fields which hire lawyers. I had a personal interview with a 26 year old lawyer. He was smart and alert, brimming with confidence and fearlessness. Soon after his joining, he shot up into the limelight by winning a couple of sensational cases. Now he is very popular and people from far away come to engage him.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Network Infrastructure Basics Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Network Infrastructure Basics - Assignment Example The model is split into seven parts. In the same taken, the presentation layer deals with the production of services that rely on application program such as MSWindows. According to the OSI model, the session layer has been set aside for the tabling of the running of services (Tanenbaum, 2003). This runs the process and leads to the scheduling of tasks that are to be run using the applications. In the transport layer, responsibility vested is for the data being broken to packets for purpose of transfer between hosts on a regular basis to ensure quality of service, on a network(Bush et al, 2012). Normally, network layers interpret the physical name of the computer from the logical network addresses. The data link layer of the OSI model has been assessed to the widely used in networks. The layer is reserved for routers for their highly specific communication. The hardware resources that are used in a network represent the physical layer(Forouzan, 2003); Routable protocols are those protocols that are designed to cross physical networks and enter other networks (Tanenbaum, 2003).The non-routable protocols are not applied to the networks that are outside the physical network a device is connected to at the time. Connection oriented protocols are more reliable than the non-connection oriented ones. This is because they perform a check on their own structures. These protocols resend a message in case the receiver does not receive one (Forouzan, 2003). In this case, they tend to be more networks oriented. The non-connection oriented protocols are not session-based and can thus be end at ant any

Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde coursework Essay Example for Free

Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde coursework Essay Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde has appealed to a wide audience from the first time it was published in 1886 to the present day. What do you think are the reasons for this? The story of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde was first published in a time when classes separated the rich and the poor. These classes never mixed and never talked. The poor classes lived on one side of London and the rich classes lived on the other. The rich would of never had been thought about the poor because there was very few means of learning. Before the story of Dr Jekell and Mr Hyde the two classes would have read different books but when the book was published it had elements that appealed to both classes. The genre of the book is gothic horror and fiction. The elements of gothic in it are the horror, super natural and the mystery. It also has a dark and very gloomy setting and it talks about the smog lying very low on the floor. For a moment, the fog would be quite broken up, and a haggered shaft of daylight would glance in between the swirling wreaths. This is gothic because it is quite mysterious and spooky. This could appeal to many people because this is like real life with the smog coming under the door. People could relate to this. It always has a dark and gloomy character in it to. In this case its Mr Hyde. This dark and gloomy character first appears in the beginning of the novel were he tramples the little girl. and then the horrible part of the thing; for the man trampled calmly over the chills body and left her screaming on the ground This would have shocked many people at the thought of this tragedy. I think this is such a popular genre because it gives people the fear without actually getting hurt. This would have been the only type of scary entertainment that they had. Readers would have loved the thrill that it gave them. Mr Enfield witnessed the attack and was horrified when discussing it with a friend as they walked through the park. It sound nothing to hear, but it was hellish to see I think that this is a really important part to the story. There were many stories with death and murder in them but this book was particularly unusual. The castle of otranto was the first gothic novel and laid the foundations for future novels such as Frankenstein and Jekell and Hyde. During the 1800s people technology was not as well advanced as it is today so Dr Jekell would not of understood the changes completely. When Mr Jekell takes the potion and begins to transform but he doesnt know that this could change his life forever and eventually led him to death. Hydes house is in the Soho area, which in the 1800s would have been the poorest area in London. The description of the house sound very dark, gloomy, and depressing. This is the kind of area and house that you would expect a murder to come from. On the other hand the other side of London would have been the area were the richest people would have lived. These were well-respected people and these were the people everyone wanted to be. During this time there was a serial killer on the lose Jack the ripper. His first Victims started with prostitutes and eventually moved on the people with little money and no family. He was never caught although there was p pattern to every murder he committed. To many people Jack the ripper was life imitating fiction because the things that he did and the circumstances that he did them in sounded just like a story or a novel. People also thought that that Jack would of got his ideas from the story Jekell and Hyde. This Novel uses suspension and tension all the way through the book. We often have to play a detective in this story and all the way through we are given pieces to fit together. At the end all revels itself and the mystery is solved. In my conclusion Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde was a very enjoyable read. It was also very interesting because it gave an image of what the life was like in the 1800s. I never realised that Victorian life was so hard. Still today I think that many people enjoy the story of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde. I think this is because it is a very unusual book and appeals to a wide audience rather than just one type of person. This could be one of the reasons why it is so popular. This book has been around for almost a 100 years and I think that it has got many more enjoyable years to go.

Monday, October 14, 2019

The Economic Impact Of The One-Child Policy

The Economic Impact Of The One-Child Policy The One-Child Policy helped China to raise its economic growth in the past decades. China was able to control the rate of the population growth lower than the rate of the GDP growth, and thus the GDP per capita increases dramatically in the past decades. In regression model 1, over 53% of the economic growth can be explained by the policy; in regression model 2, over 74% of the economic growth can be explained by the policy. Hence this paper has shown the change in the economic growth of China could be explained by the effects of the One-Child Policy. Although the crude birth rate is not shown to have long term or short term effect on the GDP per capita, the gross fixed capital formation has a significant positive impact on the GDP per capita. The gross fixed capital formation could not have increased that much without the presence of the One-Child Policy. While the population growth decreases, more resources are used to improve the living standard. The long term effect of the One-Child policy was also considered in the research. The results obtained in regression model 2 have indicated the graduate economic growth in China can be well explained by the effect of the One-Child Policy. The coefficients of the crude birth rate were negative in both regression models; it suggested that part of the Malthusian theory and the neo-Malthusian theory were support. The main criticism of the theories was the theories did not account the advance in the technology, and thereby the food supply has increased faster than arithmetic progress. The science and technology in China has evolved tremendously in the past thirty years since the One-Child Policy has implemented. Therefore, the Malthusian theory and the neo-Malthusian may not be applicable in the modern world today. This view has been support in the work of Galor and Weil (1999, pp.150-154). Moreover, part of the Revisionism theory was supported. The theory suggested that the population growth does not hinder the population growth in dense area and China is a densely populated country. In regression model 2, lagged crude birth rate was used. Since the population will enter the workforce at the aged of 16, the crude birth rate was tested for the impact on the GDP per capita. The variable was found insignificant to explain the changes in the GDP per capita. The results suggested that China was not facing the diminishing return of labour. Since the crude birth rate is not correlated with the growth of GDP per capita, there is no population theory which is totally supported in the analysis of China. Although China was not facing a Malthusian dynamic of overpopulation and diminishing return of labour dynamics, it is essential for the implementation of the One-Child Policy. If the population was not controlled and continued to increase, China would soon have to face the problems associated with overpopulation and diminishing return to labour. In conclusion, the decision of the implementation of the One-Child Policy in 1979 was supported in this research. Although the One-Child Policy has shown to have benefitted the economic growth of China in the short term and 16 years long term, it may have an adverse effect in the very long term. The one child now has to support his/her two parents and four grandparents. Therefore, the implementation of the One-Child Policy was supported in 1979 but the decision of the continuation of the One-Child Policy is to be remained uncertain. 6.2 Limitations of the Study The results obtained in the research only give a suggestion of the implementation of the One-Child Policy. There are certain limitations in the research. A number of measurement issues need to be addressed are stated below. As a proxy of the education level, it is better to use the average number of schooling as it gives a clearer picture of the education level of the population. Unfortunately, the National Bureau of Statistics of China has not recorded this variable for the period, 1979 2007. As a proxy of the living standard, it is better to use the gross fixed capital formation per capita as it accounts the fact that the living standard increases faster than the population growth. Unfortunately, the size labour force was also not recorded. (Gross fixed capital formation per capita = Gross fixed capital formation/ Workforce) There are several missing figures in the data. The missing figures usually occur in 1980 to 1985. Although interpolation has used to calculate the missing data in between, the lack of data may lead to inaccuracies in the results. There may be inaccuracies in the figures of the crude birth rate. Many illegal birth of baby girls occurred due to the traditional son preference in China. The actual crude birth rate should be higher as the illegal births were not recorded. The lack of the sample sizes may also lead to inaccuracies in the results which determine the long term effect of the One-Child Policy. There are only 13 observations after the adjustments, which may lead to no significant variable being detected even if there is a one present. Furthermore, only the labour market was accounted to determine the long term effect of the One-Child Policy in this study. The 4-2-1 problem can not accounted in the study, as the policy has only implemented for 31 years and it is not long enough for the analysis of this effect. Although the implementation of the One-Child Policy was generally supported in the results, it may not be supported in different areas of China. The average crude birth rate was used in the research, and thus the decision of the One-Child Policy may not be supported in individual cities. E.g. Urban areas The official numbers from the National Bureau of Statistics of China may have exaggerated the growth of GDP [The Economist: Chinas dismal statistics (Anon., 2009)], which will lead to the overestimation of the effect of the One-Child Policy. 6.3 Potential Areas of Study The research provides general study on the implementation of the One Child Policy in China. It can be further studied to achieve a deeper level of understanding of the policy. As mentioned in the previous section, the analysis of the implementation of the One-Child Policy may differ from cities. The number of births has been largely reduced, and the population started to age. Urban areas may have started to face the shortage of labour and problems related to demographic aging. This suggestion has been supported as the citizens in Shanghai were encouraged to have two children per family since 2009 (Xie Linli, 2009). Furthermore, the action taken in Shanghai has supported my conclusion in the research which China was not facing the diminishing return of labour. The relationship between the GDP per capita and the crude birth rate in different cities can be revised by cities. The population theories will possibly be supported by the analyses in different cities. Same methods and tests ca n be used and the data required can also be found in the official website of the National Bureau of Statistics of China. Since the One-Child Policy was criticised to have violated the human rights, the results obtained from this further research will aid the find suggestions to other family planning in China. If the crude birth rate was found positively correlated with the economic growth in different cities, some policy suggestions can be made. For example, more births can be allowed or only the spacing between births is controlled. Alteration of the policy will possibly bring advantages to China. The criticisms of the family planning may reduce; the number of female infanticides may also be reduced, and may lead to the further increase in the economic growth in China. The One-Child Policy has always been a source of controversy since its execution; there are many more potential studying areas. In the analysis chapter, the growth in the number of tertiary enrolment in China was found insignificant to explain the economic growth. Another independent variable such as the percentage of people that have finished secondary schools can be used as a proxy of the education level. More research can be done on the relationships between the One-Child Policy, education and crude birth rate. The relationship between the variables can also be found using the time series OLS regression. Although the education level of the people was increased by the One-Child Policy, there are other factors that affect the education level. As the education level of the people increased, the desire of improving the qualities of life may increase and the desire having children may decrease. As a result, the crude birth rate may not only be affected by the One-Child Policy, but also the increased level of education. The results obtained can help to notice if the effect of the One-Child Policy was overestimated in the present study, and at the same time help to gain a better understanding of the economic growth in China. Further study could include analysing the sex ratios in China. It has always been an active debating topic. The One-Child Policy has affected to the sex ratio due to the traditional son preference in China. The sex selective abortion has led to the excess births of males and the unbalance sex ratio in China. A research has been done on the unbalanced sex ratios, and the researcher, Hesketh states that, males under the age of 20 exceeded females by more than 32 million in China, and more than 1.1 million excess births of boys occurred. Since there are 32 million more males than females, some of the men will be unable to get married and have a family. Fewer births will be occurred as there are less married couples, and therefore the unbalanced sex ratios may also decrease the crude birth rate of the population. Moreover, the children may have to take care even more elderly rather than only their own 2 parents and 4 parents, but their relatives as well. The GDP per capita may be negativ ely affected by the sex ratios. Same as the suggested research in the previous paragraph, the results obtained can help to notice if the effect of the One-Child Policy was overestimated in the present study. The last suggestion of the potentials area of study is based on the past of the One-Child Policy effects on the economic growth, and to estimate the future effect on the economy. The changes in the variables which are affected by the One-Child Policy can be predicted. The least squares regression can be used to estimate the lines of best fit. Based on the predicted changes of the variables, the growth of GDP in the future can then be estimated. Further analysis on the implementation of the One-Child Policy can be done along with the results obtained. The Peoples Republic of China seems to have faith in the influences on the One-Child Policy. As to how deep the influence of the One-Child Policy, only time can tell.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

The Minimum Wage Should Not Be Increased :: Argumentative Persuasive Essays

"The minimum wage is something that F.D.R. put in place a long time ago during the Great Depression. I don't think it worked then. It didn't solve any problems then and it hasn't solved any problems in 50 years." -- John Raese The minimum wage in the United States was established under the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 in an effort to stabilize the economy following the Great Depression. It was designed to create a minimum standard of living by ensuring that workers could provide for the health and well being of their families. With its passage workers were legally ensured that they would receive a minimum of 25 cents for each hour worked. With each increase of the minimum pay rate ($7.75 today) there has been an increased level of debate. Such discussions have resurfaced again as the country attempts to deal with the impact of the Great Recession of 2008. Economists generally agree that minimum wage increases do not affect national employment significantly. However the size of an increase can have a dramatic impact on the employment of segments of the population, GDP, price of goods, and other measurements of productivity. From an economic perspective, mandated wages negatively impact society in the long run (all other variables being held constant); therefore we recommend that other policy measures be considered to narrow the inequality gap in our country. A review of the supply and demand curve provides the simplest explanation for our recommendation. A minimum wage is essentially a price floor for labor. If this floor is set above the current market price – as would be the case with an increase in minimum wage - the demand for workers will be reduced while the supply of workers will increase. As illustrated below the result would lead to increased unemployment. Firms will retain more productive and higher paid workers, however lower skilled and lesser paid (those you intend to assist) will be shed. Those who lose their job will then require government benefits, such as unemployment compensation and welfare, to survive thus increasing government expenditures and debt. In the event that a firm does not fire workers the cost of the additional wages must be addressed. Typically the increased cost of doing business can be managed in two ways. The firm will transfer the increased cost to consumers by raising the selling price of its goods or

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Life of Thomas Jefferson :: essays research papers fc

Thomas Jefferson was drafted to write the Declaration of Independence in 1776. Soon after, in 1779, Thomas was elected governor, which he served for two years. He suffered an inquiry into his conduct during his last year in office that although finally fully repudiated, left him with a life long pricklishness in the face of criticism. In 1784, he re-entered public services. First as a trades commissioner and then as Benjamin Franklin’s successor as a minister. In 1790, he accepted the post of secretary of the state. Then, in 1796, as a presidential candidate of the Republicans, he became vice president after losing to John Adams by three votes. Four years later, in the election of 1800, Thomas Jefferson and another Republican, Aaron Burr won the majority of the votes. They each had 73 votes. The House of Representatives were to vote because of this extraordinary tie. They voted thirty five times, each time, it was the same thing, a tie between Jefferson and Burr. Finally, after a long day of stressful decisions and arguing, one man named James Bayard broke the tie and voted for Thomas Jefferson. He became the third president of our proud United States. Also he became the first peaceful transfer of power. Jefferson, with the help of the congress, reshaped the government into Republican goals. Republicans believed that strength of a nation depended on liberty and land ownership. So Jefferson, with a great deal of trading, offerings, arguing, and purchasing, finally made what is called The Louisiana Purchase. In 1806, Jefferson began building another house in a popular forest. Through 1807 to 1824, remodeling Monticello was in the process Life of Thomas Jefferson :: essays research papers fc Thomas Jefferson was drafted to write the Declaration of Independence in 1776. Soon after, in 1779, Thomas was elected governor, which he served for two years. He suffered an inquiry into his conduct during his last year in office that although finally fully repudiated, left him with a life long pricklishness in the face of criticism. In 1784, he re-entered public services. First as a trades commissioner and then as Benjamin Franklin’s successor as a minister. In 1790, he accepted the post of secretary of the state. Then, in 1796, as a presidential candidate of the Republicans, he became vice president after losing to John Adams by three votes. Four years later, in the election of 1800, Thomas Jefferson and another Republican, Aaron Burr won the majority of the votes. They each had 73 votes. The House of Representatives were to vote because of this extraordinary tie. They voted thirty five times, each time, it was the same thing, a tie between Jefferson and Burr. Finally, after a long day of stressful decisions and arguing, one man named James Bayard broke the tie and voted for Thomas Jefferson. He became the third president of our proud United States. Also he became the first peaceful transfer of power. Jefferson, with the help of the congress, reshaped the government into Republican goals. Republicans believed that strength of a nation depended on liberty and land ownership. So Jefferson, with a great deal of trading, offerings, arguing, and purchasing, finally made what is called The Louisiana Purchase. In 1806, Jefferson began building another house in a popular forest. Through 1807 to 1824, remodeling Monticello was in the process

Friday, October 11, 2019

Leadership and Organizational Psychology

Organizational citizenship behavior (OCB), a discretionary behavior that contribute to organizational effectiveness ( like helping coworkers) but are not part of an employees formal job description, is said to be determined by a number of individual differences and situational determinants (Robbins & Judge, 2007, p.25). According to the studies conducted in OB, satisfied employees are more prone to go beyond their call of duty because they want to reciprocate their positive experiences to their co-workers or customers, in service oriented organizations. They would seem more likely to talk positively about the organization, help others, and go beyond the normal expectations in their job (Robbins & Judge, 2007, p.25). The most important factor that is believed to be a large contributory to OCB, and in fact identified as its major determinant, is Job Satisfaction. In layman's term, job satisfaction is simply linked with an employee's favorable attitude towards his work. It has major facets namely: the work itself, pay, advancement opportunities, supervision and coworkers enjoying the work itself. These factors almost always have the strongest correlation to high levels of overall job satisfaction (Robbins & Judge, 2007, p.23). In other words, most people prefer more challenging and stimulating work the predictable and routine ones. Common questions explored by researchers deal with the relationship of pay to job satisfaction. An interesting relationship between salary and job satisfaction reveals a correlation of the two for people who are poor or those who live in poor countries. However,   once an individual reaches a level of comfortable living ( in the United States, that occurs at about $ 40,000 a year, depending on the region and family size), the relationship virtually disappears. In fact, findings of one study show that people who earn $ 80,000 are on average, no happier with their jobs than those who earn close to $ 40,000. This means that overall job satisfaction is not only linked with pay but with other factors as well (Robbins & Judge, 2007, p.23). One identified area where satisfaction might differ concerns an individual's personality. Some people are predisposed to like almost anything, and others are unhappy even in the seemingly greatest jobs. According to research findings, people who have a negative personality, those who tend to be grumpy, critical, and negative, are usually less satisfied with their jobs. One study, using the Neutral Objects Satisfaction Questionnaire,   found that nurses who were dissatisfied with the majority of the items on the list were also dissatisfied with their jobs and this is not surprising (Robbins & Judge, 2007, p.24). The effects of an employee's satisfaction and dissatisfaction in the workplace manifest when employees like their jobs and when they do not. A review of 300 studies suggested that the correlation between job satisfaction and job performance is pretty strong. Moreover, when the organization level was explored by comparing satisfaction and productivity data, results revealed that organizations with more satisfied employees tend to be more effective than organizations with fewer satisfied employees (Robbins & Judge, 2007, p.24). How one perceives an organization is also a determinant of OCB. If an employee perceives it as supportive, he is more likely to show positive attitude towards work. According to research findings, an organization is considered as supportive when the rewards are deemed fair; employees have a voice in the decision making, and when their supervisors are seen as supportive. An employee may engage or involve himself more openly in the organization's undertakings and show more enthusiasm for the work he does, if he has felt and experienced the organization's support, if he sees the availability of resources and the opportunities to learn new skills, if he feels that his work is important and meaningful and if he considers his interactions with his coworkers and supervisors as rewarding (Robbins & Judge, 2007, p.21). Several studies have tried to link high job involvement with high job satisfaction. Similarly, they have tried to explore the correlation of high perceived organizational support with strong organizational commitment. Evidence suggests that these attitudes are highly related, perhaps to a troubling degree. The correlation between perceived organizational support and affective commitment is very strong but, is feared also to be a result of. redundancy in predictive variables. While there is some measure of distinctiveness among these attitudes, they do overlap greatly and the overlap may exist for various reasons, including the employee’s personality. Some people are predisposed to be positive or negative about almost everything. For example, if someone tells you she loves her company, it is also possible that she is positive about everything else in her life. It is also possible that the overlap is due to the fact that some organizations are just all around better places to work than the others (Robbins & Judge, 2007, p.22). Early discussions of OCB assumed that it was closely linked with satisfaction. However, more recent evidence suggests the other way around. Job satisfaction influences OCB, but through perceptions of fairness. In fact, a modest overall relationship exists between job satisfaction and OCB, but satisfaction is unrelated to OCB when fairness is controlled for. This means that basically, job satisfaction comes down to conceptions of fair outcomes, treatment, and procedures. For example, if you do not feel that your supervisor, the organizations procedures, or pay policies are fair; your job satisfaction is likely to be significantly affected. However, when you perceive organizational processes and outcomes to be fair, you develop trust and when you trust your employer, you are more willing to voluntarily engage in behaviors that go beyond your formal job requirements (Robbins & Judge, 2007, p.25). In service jobs where employees often interact with customers, job satisfaction and customer satisfaction is closely linked. Since the management of service organizations is concerned with pleasing their customers to increase loyalty, values linked with customer satisfaction are being introduced, instilled and strictly implemented among employees. Especially for frontline employees who have regular contact with customers. Research  Ã‚   evidence indicates that satisfied employees increase customer satisfaction and loyalty. This is because in service organizations, customer retention and defection are highly dependent on how frontline employees deal with customers. Satisfied employees are more likely to be friendly, upbeat, and responsive to customer’s needs, which customers themselves appreciate. Because satisfied employees are less prone to turnover, customers are more likely to encounter familiar faces and receive experienced service.   These qualities build customer satisfaction and loyalty.   Similarly, dissatisfied customers can increase an employee’s job dissatisfaction.   Employees who have regular contact with rude, thoughtless, unreasonably demanding and often irate customers adversely affect the employees’ job satisfaction (Robbins & Judge, 2007, p.26). OCB, based on the related literature, is determined by several factors namely: the employee's level of job satisfaction, his personality, how he perceives the organization and his actual experiences at work. References Robbins, Stephen P. and Timothy A. Judge. (2007). Essentials of Organizational Behavior.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   (9th ed.). New Jersey: Prentice Hall.      

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Information Use CIS/207 Essay

In today’s world, most businesses rely heavily on the use of information technology ad information systems. Corporate communication is usually dependent upon wired as well as wired networks within the company. With these networks being set up in businesses, there has been a major shift in data storage to using computers to store and transfer data instead of the traditional ways of using paperwork and hard copies. Companies can securely share information with other companies through the use of virtual private networks, called VPNs. My current occupation is very technologically driven. My current occupation is based completely around technology and it’s use and innovation. The company contains a large area of production and workers that produces and delivers several different innovative pieces of machinery. They are involved in the production of items such as ATM machines, video rental kiosks, self-checkout registers, vending machines and other products of a similar nature. We also have a large information technology department that I am a part of to assist with servicing our products as well as providing third party support for other products from other vendors. In our area of business, networks are extremely important to our everyday work processes. I work in the smaller of two locations, but we are all connected to the same network and have the same job duties. We have multiple computer software programs that we use to accomplish our daily tasks and also have software to connect us to the same telephone queues and networks in order to assist clients. The computer network gives us access to all of the same information and data that is used to assist us with providing support to clients and also access to internal documents that are needed. We communicate with our other team members through instant messages and email networks that are used everyday all day. Without these networks, there are times that we would not be able to even communicate with members of our leadership that are in the other location. Our phone calls are routed though queues that all of our team members are assigned to in both call centers.  Some of the software and information we use are shared with clients and they also have access. In order to keep this information secure, we use a virtual private network, or VPN. We sign into this network to access the tools that are used daily. After signing in with individual passwords, we are able to access a complete set of software programs that we need to complete our job each day. Each location of ours, also contain local networks that are for business and personal use. There are employee and guest wireless (wifi) networks that are available for leadership and clients that need to access the Internet on their wireless devices and laptops. There is also an additional wifi network that is set-up for other employees to use on personal laptops, ipads, tablets, etc. As with everything computer related, there are times when the information systems have issues or fail. One of the reasons that we have two call centers is to have our call center serve as a backup for the main location. There are times when the main call center’s network goes down due to server issues while our area is still operable, and there are other times when our center goes down and they are still in operation. Unfortunately, at times there are still issues that shut down both locations simultaneously. With the use of computers and networks, there is also a large focus on security. Whenever there is sensitive data being stored and transferred through computer networks, there is the risk of unauthorized individuals gaining access to this information. To lower these chances, we have several different pieces of software and also require multiple passwords that are unique to each authorized individual and a requirement to change the passwords often. Today’s home and business processes rely more and more on the use of technology and information systems each day. Computers and networks have increased productivity greatly by speeding up the way information is transferred. Information can now be transferred across the world almost instantly, which is very useful in business endeavors. Large amounts of data  can also be stored in computers to save the amount of physical paper used, which is good for the environment also. Research and communication are also more effective and efficient through information technology. There is always a downside with the threat of hackers and unauthorized use, but with the proper network security and software, this can be reduced. Reference Turban, E., Volonino, L., & Wood, G. (2013). Information technology for management: Advancing sustainable, profitable business growth (9th ed.). Retrieved from The University of Phoenix eBook Collection database.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Critique a Research Article Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 4

Critique a Article - Research Paper Example In addition, to make sure that victims take part more in physical exercises to progress their own health. The aim of this study is related to the importance of improving mobility of groups with MS. The author wants to make people with chronic body conditions to change their perceptions about physical activity, which is based on past studies that discouraged them from some activities. The author outlines some disadvantages of physical inactiveness. The researchers used direct and semi-structured interviews by means of open-ended questions in conjunction with prearranged ones. While the researchers did not spell out the type of research approach they used, all indicators show that the study was based upon a phenomenology model because it openly studies structures of insight as experienced by clients who responded. In this study, the people who were interviewed were patients who had just received medical intercession to stop their state of multiple sclerosis, with the most important int ention of the study being the adjustment of their insight to contribute more in physical activity. The author challenges the previous studies that discouraged physical activity among MS victims. The authors offered an equipped explanation to enable the person who reads to be aware of the subject matter being looked into in the research paper. The author draws information from the past publications for example basing their point of view on the outcome of the hypothetical novel physiotherapy intervention also called Blue prescription as a technique of advancing patient involvement in physical activity, the researchers supported their objectives with convincing and pertinent secondary sources numbering 38, pinched from just about the world. Many of the sources that they applied contained up to date information, but a petite number of them were in print more than ten years ago. On

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Letter from birminghan jail Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Letter from birminghan jail - Essay Example King uses logos for explanation or rational presentation of the case directed toward the intellect of the auditor. During this period of time, the main driven forces of equal rights movement included new perception of the world and self, new interpretation of freedom and humans rights. The historical evens changed political viewpoints on the notions of freedom and diversity of blacks and minorities. King states: "In any nonviolent campaign there are four basic steps: collection of the facts to determine whether injustices exist; negotiation; self-purification; and direct action" (King 221). Using dramatic descriptions, King vividly portrays that racial relations and racism causes labor division and class struggle. This universal process contains for America a special problem: the proletariat is largely black, and its demand for inclusion thus threatens the political control of a white minority. Using vivid examples, King states: "It is even more unfortunate that the city's white powe r structure left the Negro community with no alternative" (King 221). It is not surprising, therefore, if leading Black intellectuals attack the notion of racial democracy and seek to provide a new narrative which offers a central place to those of African descent. The enslaved African became a 'citizen' as stated under the law, but he also became a 'nigger', cornered from all sides. Through vivid examples, King appeals to the audience stating that this was made apparent in the ways in which ethnic identities were subsumed, and still are, within and between economic identities, a political-economic class identity with the ethnic referent made invisible (Lischer 23). Ethoc (ethical appeal) is founded on the moral character of the speaker as presented in Letter. The first and most important part of ethical appeal is the moral character of the speaker which persuades when his Letter is delivered in a manner rendering him worthy of belief. This confidence is established in and by the speech itself and not through previous notion the audience may have of the speaker. To win trust, confidence, and conviction, the speaker exhibit intelligence, good sense, virtue and goodwill. " Just as Socrates felt that it was necessary to create a tension in the mind so that individuals could rise from the bondage of myths and half-truths to the unfettered realm of creative analysis and objective appraisal"(King 224). King demonstrates his the way he exercises his moral choice. For King, this part is very important because it helps the speaker to establish his ethical values as sensible, virtuous, and trustworthy. Also, King gives special attention to the character of his audience to which he suits his Letter. Kings appeals to the audience stating: "We should never forget that everything Adolf Hitler did in Germany was "legal" and everything the Hungarian freedom fighters did in Hungary was "illegal" (King 228). As it is essential to impress the audience favorably with his own character, so it is important for him to adapt his tone and sentiments to the audience (Overton 34). Emotional appeal is produced when King places his listeners in a particular state of mind and makes them feel emotion. It induces belief in an audience and appeals to their inner feelings. On the other hand, rights are